Winter Home Improvements that Could Save Money

Winter Home Improvements that Could Save Money

 January 11, 2016

Home improvements can make an old house look brand new. They can add value to a home and make it sell for more. But most homeowners don’t know which improvements to carry out at certain times of the year. The truth is that some improvements cost less in winter. If your home sellers are looking to save, advise them to try these home improvements.

Basement Conversion

Upgrading a basement during winter has many benefits. First of all, winter air is less humid which means there are fewer chances of mold forming on bare surfaces. Also, it is easy to get a home remodeling contractor as many homeowners do not renovate their basements in winter. The project is also cheaper as home sellers don’t have to open other areas of their homes as would be the case if they were having new roofs installed.

Installing Hardwood Flooring

Winter is the perfect time to install hardwood flooring. The season’s dry air helps prevent gapping in newly laid boards while its reduced humidity means there are lower chances of water damage. If the subflooring or concrete slab is moist during installation, there is a high probability that the floorboards will buckle and warp after a while. In addition, mold and mildew flourish in damp subflooring.


Some areas experience erratic winters, one day it’s freezing and the next temperatures are high. This continuous cycle of freezing and thawing makes the ground around property foundations to contract and expand, causing existing cracks in buildings to enlarge and leading to gaps that allow water to pass through. Low temperatures freeze drains, pipes, and gutters and make them to crack and eventually break. This is why waterproofing is essential. Even if a home’s foundation withstands the trials of winter, the damage caused will be visible when spring showers start.

Many homeowners assume that waterproofing is more difficult in the colder months but this is a misconception. Waterproofing work can be easily performed in the winter. Professional waterproofing experts can waterproof walls, floors, sump pumps, and basement drainage systems.

Preventing Heat Loss

Many homes have decorative fireplaces these days. Home sellers who don’t use their fireplaces should consider installing chimney balloons. An open fireplace can cause a lot of heat loss. Tell homeowners to buy chimney balloons that are made from special laminate. These are placed inside chimney holes and inflated until they completely shut out any escaping heat or inward bound cold air. There are also woolen chimney insulators in the market. But homeowners must make sure they do not light fires before removing the chimney balloons.

Double Glazing

Double glazing is a great way to prevent heat loss; however, it can be very costly. If some of your home sellers have small budgets, they can fake double glazing. They can buy glazing film and put it across single-glazed windows. The film imitates double glazing to a lesser degree. They can install it using double-sided tape and fix it with a hairdryer. A pack of film costs about $20 and can last for as long as 3 years.

Homeowners can also install self-adhesive foam strips to seal gaps on the edges of windows. They can use plastic or metal strips with wipers or brushes attached. These cost more but last longer. They can also be used as draught excluders around the frames and hinges of doors.

While summer is a popular season for home improvements, winter is also perfect for updates. Home sellers can save a significant amount of money when they carry out some home upgrades over winter. In addition, many home remodeling contractors aren’t busy during winter and can easily quote a lower fee. Tell homeowners who want to save money and complete projects quickly to try these winter home improvements.

Ronique Gibson

By Ronique Gibson

Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.