4 Secrets YOU Need to Know About Building an iHouse Website

February 4, 2014

Building a website can seem daunting and scary, particularly the first time you create one.

Don’t worry, at least not too much. iHouse has made it darn close to easy.

Take a deep breath, pour your favorite beverage and consider these four secrets or hints for setting up your first iHouse website.

Keep them in mind and your website building job will be easier, and the information will help you in  in the future as well.

1. None of us were born knowing how to build websites

The very first thing to remember is that none of us were born building websites. Because iHouse knows this, we’ve made our web building tools are incredibly easy to use.

Still, when you start it will all be new. You’re not expected to know how to do any of it. Know there will be a learning curve and that the results will be worth it.

2. You don’t have to do it all at once

The second thing to know is you don’t have to get your website done all at once. Set a time limit for yourself, like an hour, or no more than two a session.

Sure, you want it complete, but know too that you’ll probably have the basics up quickly. You can then start adding refinements and getting acquainted with advanced features.

Start by taking a long, leisurely look at your Admin Menu.

Know too that you can’t break it. Click some links, explore, get comfortable. Easy does it but do it! might be a good slogan.

3. Everything can be changed

The third thing to know is that everything can be changed. What you do today, isn’t permanent. In other words, it’s totally okay to make mistakes and/or change your mind.

For example, if you upload a picture of yourself that’s just okay, and tomorrow or a month from now you have a picture you really like, it’s truly easy to just upload the new one.

If you post an article on how to find a home, and then move into commercial real estate, you can take down that article and post one that’s more appropriate – easily.

When you get tired of the template, change it, and change it again if you want. We’re talking mouse clicks here.

In other words, it’s safe to just plunge in because changing and editing is a snap.

4. Help is always available

Finally, help is always available. Toward the bottom of your Admin Menu is the Help Center. You’ll find a link to many questions and answers – start there.

There’s also a phone number you can call and get a real person on the line. It’s open Monday – Friday.

There’s also an email address you can use. You can ask any sort of question you like. In fact, please do. We want you to make sure you’re building your site just the way you want it to be.

Your turn now – what’s your experience creating a site with iHouse web tools? Got unanswered questions? Post ’em in comments and I’ll get answers for you.

By Anne Wayman

Before Anne Wayman became a writer she sold real estate in Southern California. She worked with her father who learned the business from his father. Not surprisingly she learned a few things along the way. Since then, she has been freelance writing for over 30 years – she is a grandmother, loves cats and writes about a wide variety of topics including real estate.