The Importance of Home Staging For Your Clients

February 1, 2014

The real estate slump has affected many home sellers negatively. Many people are looking for ways to edge out the competition and attract more prospective buyers. One of the best ways to do this is by home staging. Improving a home’s appeal helps a seller to target the widest possible audience. As a realtor, you should make an effort to convince your clients to stage their homes as this is in their best interests. Home staging can help them to sell their homes faster and for the best price. If your aim is to attract buyers as soon as they walk in through the front door, you must ensure your client’s house stands out from the others in the market. Here are some reasons why you should convince your clients to stage their homes.

Home staging can help home buyers envision themselves in the home

It Makes a Great First Impression

First impressions are everything. Your clients need to have an edge if they are to sell their homes fast in today’s competitive market. Home staging gives them that advantage. Spruced up homes are worth every penny to homebuyers. Proctor & Gamble did a study on factors that determine a buyer’s first impression of a property’s interior. Their findings were:

  • Rooms 13%
  • Floor plan 15%
  • Lighting and state of property 16%
  • Furnishings 21%
  • Clutter, hygiene, and odor 35%

This clearly shows that home staging can positively influence the buyer’s first impression. While aspects like the floor plan and rooms cannot be controlled, they only account for 28%. The other factors account for 72%.

Home staging help keep the home competitive

Home Staging keeps the Home Competitive

If you want to stay ahead of the competition, you have to go the extra mile. Some home sellers don’t know the importance of home staging so it is up to you to convince them. When they see the end result, they’ll thank you for it. Staged homes also give you credibility. As a realtor, you represent the properties you list so it is important to ensure that they are the most gorgeous ones in the locality. When you sell staged homes, homebuyers know that they can count on you to always have the best homes in the market. A staged home is your best advertisement. Home sellers will want to list with you and homebuyers will want to buy your properties.

Provides Added Value

A few years ago, home staging was one of the least searched topics on the internet. Google “home staging” today and you’ll be bombarded with more than 47 million results. These days, most real estate agents only sell staged homes. Putting up a “for sale” sign and praying for the best is no longer enough. You must convince your clients to stage their homes or you’ll be left behind by the competition.

The kitchen has the highest ROI of any room in the home

Help Clients Sell their Home Quicker

In a slow real estate market, you have to make extra steps if you want to make a sale. Buyers have many choices and will only go for properties that grab their attention. Nothing is as appealing to a buyer as a staged home. He sees it as a worthy investment and is likely to pay good money for it. A study conducted by the National Association of Realtors on seller profiles showed that more than 25% of sellers expect their agents to sell their homes within a specific time frame. Happy customers are walking advertisements. They will recommend you to their friends for a job well done.

Selling listings can be challenging, so it is important to do all you can to help your clients sell their homes. Convince them to stage their homes and they’ll thank you for it.

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By Ronique Gibson

Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.