Home Staging: Helping Buyers Picture Themselves Moved into a Home

April 11, 2014

The process of showing listings can go more smoothly if home sellers get everything ready. One sure way to impress buyers is by home staging. Home staging helps buyers to picture themselves in the home long before they move in. It helps sellers to sell their property quickly and get top dollar for it. The National Association of Realtors states that an average home staging investment of 1 to 3 percent generates approximately 8 to 10 percent. This is a good return on investment bearing in mind that most homeowners spend approximately 1 percent of their home’s value on home staging. Here are a few reasons why home staging is important to homebuyers.

A staged home welcomes potential buyers from the outside first

Home staging creates an appealing home 

Buyers tend to buy homes based on first impressions. Home staging helps home sellers to create great first impressions. As a realtor, you only have one chance to impress home buyers. They will judge the property by its exterior before they even step inside. You must therefore advise your clients to stage their homes beautifully to captivate buyers. If the exterior is excellently landscaped and the lawns and walkways are neatly manicured, buyers will want to see what’s inside.

Staged homes can save time and money

Buyers do not want to go over a long to-do list when they move into a home. They want a home that is already repaired, cleaned, repainted, and updated. Staging allows them to enjoy their newly moved-in home instead of spending a lot of time on endless repairs. It also helps them to save money. When everything is in tip-top condition, costs for fixtures and maintenance are eliminated.

Help your clients create a welcoming home

Home staging can make a home feel inviting

When homeowners stage homes, they take their personality out of the space. Buyers are able to envision themselves living there. They can picture themselves lounging in the living room, sleeping in the master bedroom, and entertaining friends in the eat-in kitchen. Overly personal spaces usually make buyers feel very uncomfortable. They feel as if they are intruding on the space and are less likely to inspect the home keenly.

Appeal to buyer’s senses easily with home staging

Buying a home is an emotional process. Home staging helps sellers appeal to buyers’ senses. For example, they can play soft music in the background to create a welcoming atmosphere or bake cookies to create a lovely aroma. They can also appeal to buyers’ senses by draping soft throw blankets across reading chairs or placing soft hand towels in the bathrooms.

Potential homebuyers can picture themselves moved in

Homebuyers can picture themselves moved in

A home that isn’t staged leaves a lot to the imagination. It is filled with personal stuff making it hard for potential buyers to envision themselves living there. In fact, only 10 percent of buyers can imagine an unstaged home’s true potential. Even so, most don’t want to spend money and time doing repairs.

Highlight features that are selling points

Sellers usually go out of their way when home staging. They make everything spotless since they don’t know where buyers will be looking. Kitchens are kept beautiful and uncluttered while bathrooms are transformed into day spas. Master bedrooms become luxurious sanctuaries and children’s rooms turn into playful havens. Staging exposes buyers to a property’s best features. They see the home in the best light. Home staging transforms a house from a home into a lovely work of art. It can reduce your listings’ time on the market and help home sellers get more for their homes. It benefits you, the buyer, and the homeowner. It is the best way to get your listings ready for their debut in the housing market.

Need more helpful tips to help your clients sell their homes? Visit the iHOUSE blog for home staging, DIY projects, home upgrades that return high ROI and more.

By Ronique Gibson

Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.