Small Home DIY Projects for Sellers this Summer

May 29, 2015

Most home sellers have a hard time figuring out which DIY projects to undertake. While it’s a known fact that some home improvements add more value than others, many require a lot of time and money. If your clients have small budgets and want to add value to their homes without spending thousands of dollars, tell them to look to these projects. They should not postpone the projects because they will be overwhelmed when the time comes to sell. A few updates they can carry out include:

Interior DIY Projects

Install a Programmable Thermostat

Research shows that heating and cooling consume about 42% of a home’s energy. A lot of this energy is expended in unused spaces. A programmable thermostat helps regulate the cooling and heating systems in a home. It is highly efficient and provides enhanced functionality.  The device maintains constant heating and cooling levels. Some programmable thermostats program themselves. They can be remotely controlled and help homeowners to save as much as 20% on energy bills.

Installing Dimmer Switches

Over the last few decades, lighting has become very efficient. Gone are the days of using incandescent bulbs which hurt the eyes and consumed too much energy. LED bulbs are more popular these days and save as much as 90% on lighting costs. However, not many people know about dimmer switches which positively affect the atmosphere of a space.

Homeowners targeting energy-conscious buyers could benefit from installing LEDs with dimmer switches. The switches alter the amount of light produced by light bulbs and are devoid of complex wiring. They can produce mood lighting and change the look and feel of a room. Dimmer switches can also help home sellers staging their homes as they can create a different environment in every room.

Seal Off Drafty Doors & Windows

Decreasing the amount of air leaking in and out of a home is a great way to lower heating and cooling costs, to enhance comfort, and to create a better indoor environment. Many of the drafty areas in a home are easily visible but some are not. Advise homeowners to look for leaks using lighted candles. They should run the candles along windows, sills, and exterior doorways. The movement of the flame or smoke will indicate whether there is a leak or not.

The two main weapons of eliminating drafts are caulk and weather stripping. These can be purchased at any local hardware. Tell sellers to seal doors and windows from the exterior with caulk and to measure the areas they want to seal off before applying weather stripping. Draft proofing cuts down a home’s energy expenses.

Exterior DIY Projects

Sprucing Up With Paint

Choosing a paint color for an exterior is a very important process. This is because paint can make or break a sale. The right paint color can make buyers think “I want this home” while the wrong one can make them think “I don’t like this house.” Tell your clients to choose coordinating colors which don’t overpower spaces. They should stick to tried and tested combinations.

Growing Plants and Flowers

Plants and flowers make a home feel warm and cheerful. They add life, color, and gentleness to an exterior. Convince sellers to plant annuals which bloom for longer periods than other flowers and to use plants that are zone specific. Plants and flowers that are locally available are easy to care for and add lots of value to a home.

The best way to maintain a home and increase its value is by keeping up with improvements. Encourage your sellers to carry out these small DIY projects beforehand to simplify their work. They will avoid the dreaded last minute rush.

By Ronique Gibson

Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.