11 Best Evergreen Real Estate Articles Ideas To Write For Your Website

July 15, 2015

If you’re confused about the difference between blog posts and articles, you’re not alone. They in fact have much in common. The biggest difference as far as your website goes is articles are more static than blog posts. Articles should be ‘evergreen.’ meaning they will provide accurate information a year or so or more from when they are written. Although evergreen blog posts are a good idea for many of your posts, it’s okay to put up posts that will be out of date in a month or so or even next week.

For example, if you wanted to talk about the state of the real estate market in your service area that would be better as a blog post, while a discussion of how interest rates are figured might make a better article. The latter would be current almost forever, a true evergreen piece; the market conditions in your service area could change by the end of the month.

Here are 11 ideas for evergreen articles you could write (or have written) for your website. There’s nothing magic in these particular topics. You don’t need all of them, certainly not all at once, and there are many more you will think of over time.

  1. Neighborhood profiles – people – introduce the famous and should be famous folks in the neighborhoods you service with an interview. Keep it simple. Asking them for two or three statements about what they like best is often sufficient.
  2. Profiles of neighborhoods – here you’re profiling the whole neighborhood, giving people an overview of why it’s a great place and what to expect there.
  3. Interviews with local public official – interview the public official who represents the neighborhoods you service. Be sure and link to their website and list all the ways the public an contact them (Hint: Make a note on your calendar about the next time they’re up for election in case you need to update the information.)
  4. Best websites for people in and interested in your neighborhood – these are, for the most part, non real estate sites. Schools, churches, restaurants, businesses, attractions, local government all make sense for a page like this. In fact, depending on the area you serve it might be more than one page.
  5. All about neighborhood parks – pictures, quick stories, and information about the parks in your neighborhood plus a link to any website for the parks. Let people know what they can do there – watch a little league game, have a barbecue, swim, etc.
  6. Create a Mission Statement in addition to your About page – businesses aren’t the only ones who can have mission statements, you can too, and if you do it’s one more way to let people know about you.
  7. A list of neighborhood charities and thrift stores – pick your favorites and tell why you like them so much.
  8. A list of all schools your neighborhood kids go to, including private – this may take some work, but if you add each school’s web site link it becomes a truly valuable resource.
  9. Tell what your favorite neighborhood features – explain why you like it so much. Include pictures.
  10. Questions and answers buyers ask – If one buyer asked you a question you know other buyers want to know the same thing. Create a page of questions and answers from buyers – it can grow as long as you like. Be sure you also link to your contact page and invite more questions.
  11. Questions and answers sellers ask – exactly the same thing for sellers.

Did another idea or two occur to you as you read these? Write ’em down and you’ll have grist for your writing mill when you need it.

The beauty of this type of article is it will attract search engines and when possible clients are looking for information about the areas you service they are likely to find your article and, as a result, your website. It’s called content marketing.

If you have questions about evergreen articles, ask them in comments and we’ll get answers for you.


By Anne Wayman

Before Anne Wayman became a writer she sold real estate in Southern California. She worked with her father who learned the business from his father. Not surprisingly she learned a few things along the way. Since then, she has been freelance writing for over 30 years – she is a grandmother, loves cats and writes about a wide variety of topics including real estate.