How To Consistently Generate Good Newsletter And Blog Ideas

August 3, 2015

Starting a blog or a newsletter is exciting. Ideas seem to bubble with out any real effort. This lasts for awhile and then, wham, you hit a day when it feels like all your ideas have dried up completely and maybe forever.

How do I know? Even pro writers like me have moments when our imagination fails us. Although there are plenty of theories out there a truth for me is I have absolutely no real idea why it happens from time-to-time; it just does.

While I can’t tell you ow to prevent this, I can tell you what I do so I can always write, even when I’m feeling like a real non-writer.

Keep an idea file

Having a file of ideas is invaluable. I keep one on my computer and carry a 3 x 5 card in my purse. I’ve been known to call myself and leave an idea on my own voicemail. Other writers use their smart phones to capture ideas when they’re out in the field. When it’s time to write and my mind is a blank, I turn to my idea file. As long as I keep adding to it, there’s always something there I can write about.

When I use an idea, I don’t erase it but put the date I use it beside it. Many ideas can be used over and over again by putting a different spin on them, or when new information comes along.

Truly. an idea file is a writer’s best friend, even if you primary goal is selling real estate and simply write in aid of that.


Reading, no matter if it’s a twitter feed about local events or a book on history, feeds any writer’s imagination. When you glance at listings and read the property descriptions you’ll sometimes find a gem of an idea. Keeping track of real estate news in general, and in your community is often a great way to add to your idea file.

It takes just a bit of practice to notice that when something interests you, you also consider if it might interest your readers. Even the idea you think is silly may not be or may be exactly what you need to complete an idea later on. It won’t be long before you’re in the habit of spotting ideas for your newsletter or blog while you’re reading – no matter what you read.

By the way, it often makes sense every few months to at least glance at the titles of the articles you’be already written. I can’t tell you how often I’ve done that and had a whole new article, and not always related, pop into my head.


Listening to your clients, your fellow agents, to podcasts about real estate or your favorite hobby is another way to find ideas to write about. Any question a client or potential client asks you about real estate is an obvious topic for your blog and/or newsletter.

But that’s not the only source of ideas you may hear. Consider:

  • A news broadcast that says something important or interesting about real estate and/or your community.
  • Something your child says that lets you know about a great park you hadn’t thought of in awhile.
  • A friend who tells you about a new coffee shop.
  • A colleague who shares a new source of financing information.
  • Your favorite home stager makes a comment that leads to an article about the pluses and minuses of home staging.
  • A comment overheard in an elevator that tips you to something nifty about landscaping.

The list could go on and on. Which reveals the real truth about ideas – they are everywhere! Developing a keen ear, reading lots and keeping an idea file will guarantee you never really run out of things to write about – even on those days when you think you have.

Got questions about ideas? This is a great place to ask them.

By Anne Wayman

Before Anne Wayman became a writer she sold real estate in Southern California. She worked with her father who learned the business from his father. Not surprisingly she learned a few things along the way. Since then, she has been freelance writing for over 30 years – she is a grandmother, loves cats and writes about a wide variety of topics including real estate.