Curb Appeal Tips to Attract Buyers This Fall

October 21, 2015

Keeping a home in tip-top shape not only enhances its curb appeal, it helps buyers to save money as they ward off more costly fixes down the road. A beautiful façade isn’t just memorable; it can make or break a sale. Help your sellers turn their homes into showpieces with these excellent tips given by professionals.

Think like a Buyer

Sellers who want to make an impression with their exteriors must put themselves in buyers’ shoes. Tell them to walk around their homes with pens and notepads and note down what needs to be worked on. They should write down what looks unappealing or needs cleaning, repairing, or replacing. They can get in their cars and drive by slowly during the day and night. This might help them to see things they’ve never noticed before like missing pieces of siding or Frisbees on the roofs.

Clean Up the Space

While gorgeous fall foliage can make a property look more stunning for showings, homeowners must not neglect their lawns during the season. They should rake falling leaves regularly and clear up any brown spots in the grass.

Trees shade their leaves in fall making homes more exposed. This means that buyers are able to see more at a glance. Sellers should clean up their exteriors with pressure washers, apply fresh coats of paint, and clean windows. New paint can work wonders on an exterior while pressure washing can increase the curb appeal inexpensively. Those who don’t have pressure washers can rent them from local improvement stores.

Homeowners can also clear out gutters to show buyers that they care about their homes. They can remove leaves and other debris from gutters and downspouts to protect their homes from water damage.

Grow Fall Flowers

Flowers can give an exterior a splash of color. Once sellers have taken care of their lawns, they should plant fall flowers. Flowers like chrysanthemums, Chelones, Dahlias, and Camellias brighten up spaces in an instant. They look good in porch containers, front beds, and window boxes. Tell sellers to avoid planting artificial flowers as they tend to look unappealing.

Add Lighting

Fall brings with it longer nights and shorter days. Sellers should make the most of the long nights by adding lighting to create safe paths to their front doors. They can use decorative lights to light up walkways or brighten up entrance areas with lanterns.

Solar light fixtures are also advisable. They give exteriors added appeal and are very easy to install. They are inexpensive and can be placed at strategic points to highlight a home’s notable features like landscaping, custom fixtures, or walking paths.

Add Minimal Decorations

There is a small difference between gorgeous decorations and over-the-top decorations. Make sure your clients know the difference. Subtle decorations like door wreaths and flower pots can make an exterior look fresh and inviting. Too many decorations on the other hand can distract buyers. Advise sellers to save their scarecrows and spooky Halloween decorations for another year.

Get a Second Opinion

Most homeowners see their homes as perfect. They are used to exterior defects like chipped paint, cracked steps, or missing siding. A new set of eyes can help them see what needs to be cleaned, repaired, or replaced. You can take a tour with them or ask them to hire a curb appeal expert.

When it comes to selling a home, first impressions are everything. The National Association of Realtors states that 63% of buyers drive by a home after seeing it first online. The exterior is the first thing they see and should make a lasting impression. The yard, front entry, sidewalk, and driveway should give them a taste of what’s inside.

By Ronique Gibson

Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.