Money Saving Fall Maintenance Tips Your Sellers Can Use

December 4, 2015

Fall is the best time to tackle the little projects that make a big difference to buyers. Home sellers can prepare for winter and avoid expensive repairs by tackling fall home projects. Before carrying out the projects, they should take a good look at their homes and ask themselves “If I was a buyer, what would prevent me from making an offer? “What do I need to do to show my home in the best light?” When they answer these questions, they’ll know what buyers want. Here are some fall maintenance tips your home sellers can use.

Focus on Welcoming Curb Appeal

When a buyer sees a home they like online, they will drive by once or twice before requesting for  a showing. This is why an exterior must look its best. Some home sellers beautify their curbs before putting their homes on the market then forget about it. This is a sure way to drive off buyers. Advise your home sellers to update their curbs regularly. Bushes can overgrow and plants can wither when left neglected. Homeowners should trim bushes, mow their lawns, get rid of dead plants, and pressure wash surfaces. They should clean gutters and downspouts, rake leaves, and tend to the landscaping. Potential buyers will be impressed.

Repaint the Walls

Nothing turns buyers off as quickly as peeling paint. It is not only an eyesore, it can give the impression that a house is not well taken care of. Peeling paint can also put a home at a higher risk of damage. The siding can deteriorate, resulting in costly repairs. Homeowners should inspect their interiors and exteriors to check for scuffed and dirty walls. They should paint the walls afresh and avoid doing touch-ups which don’t offer the same outcome. A new coat of paint can also help get rid of loud and eccentric wall colors. They should paint walls white, off-white, beige, or light gray.

Hire a Home Inspector

According to The National Association of Realtors, about 80% of home buyers pay for a home inspection before they purchase a home. If they find defects, they negotiate a lower rate. Home sellers should ensure buyers don’t find nasty surprises by paying for a home inspection first. Some problems can go unnoticed until it’s almost too late. Some are easy to ignore especially when one is living in a home. A home inspector can look for malfunctions in the structure, system, and physical components. He can make a seller aware of problems that might affect the selling price. The seller can carry out the necessary repairs before buyers come.

Make the Interior Cozy

Buyers buy homes based on emotions. If they love the look and feel of a home, they make an offer. To increase the chances of selling their homes, sellers should make their interiors warm and cozy. They should add cushions and throws to sofas, light fires in fireplaces, and turn on the heat. If buyers feel cold in a home, they might leave before the showing is over. Homeowners should also add seasonal decorations and natural scents to make their homes smell pleasant. They should ensure rooms have ample lighting so they are bright and comfy. Days are shorter in fall hence lighting is very important.

While many sellers prepare their homes for winter in fall, they forget that fall buyers might come knocking. Home selling doesn’t stop when fall and winter roll around. Sure, it might slow down, but it doesn’t stop. If your home sellers want to lure fall buyers, encourage them to tackle these projects. It is the only way they can boost their chances of selling their homes.


By Ronique Gibson

Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.