What You Can Do With MailChimp

January 15, 2016

MailChimp is the autoresponder or email service iHouse has chosen to integrate with its Elite websites. Translated that means if you’ve got an Elite site, you can use MailChimp to create email campaigns that will help you create and maintain your relationships with existing and potential clients.

Start here

If you haven’t signed up for MailChimp yet, you can get a free trial and watch a video that will help you get started here.

The most important thing to realize is you can have your website visitors sign up for all sorts of things, and deliver simple-to-create information to them automatically.

What can you do with MailChimp?

MailChimp is an outstanding program to do newsletters, send flyers, etc. They have a surprising selection of graphics and templates you can use. You’ll want to spend some time just investigating those.

Here are some ideas:

Newsletters can be great ways to stay in touch with existing and potential new customers. You can send out a newsletter every time you list a property, add a blog post, create an article.  You can inform your audience about local real estate news, including changes in the law, changes in your service area, etc.

Sending a monthly newsletter is probably often enough. Make sure you have a way to subscribe to your newsletter on your home page and watch your emailing list grow.

Free courses can be simple to create. Think in terms of 5 Things Every Seller Must Know – and the same thing for buyers. Set it up so the people who sign up get a lesson a week. Make sure you send a press release out about your courses… or maybe two, one for buyers and one, several weeks later, for sellers.

Weekly recipes or monthly. If you love to cook, assemble your favorites and offer them at no cost from your site.

Use experts

Everyone from your mortgage banker, to your title company might be happy to write an article or a series in exchange for a link at the bottom of each one they contribute. You need to be careful because people will assume you’re endorsing these folks even if that’s not your intention. Just be sure those you use really know their topic.

News about financing real estate is always popular with both buyers and sellers. You could include this in your regular newsletter or make it a stand-alone. You might be able to partner with a bank or other financial information and get them to write this for you in exchange for a link on each one to the bank.

Tax tips are also popular. Again, you can probably partner with a tax gal who specializes in real estate taxes to write a series for you or even a quarterly tax update.

Who you can get articles or series from to use in a drip campaign (dripping refers simply to whatever being sent out on a regular, future date.) is almost endless.

Making good use of MailChimp is limited only by your imagination. Get creative. Take advantage of their designs. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much your clients and prospective clients like getting helpful, interesting information from you while you’re keeping your name in front of them.

Have you had success with MailChimp? Share your story in comments.

By Anne Wayman

Before Anne Wayman became a writer she sold real estate in Southern California. She worked with her father who learned the business from his father. Not surprisingly she learned a few things along the way. Since then, she has been freelance writing for over 30 years – she is a grandmother, loves cats and writes about a wide variety of topics including real estate.