How to Help Sellers Appeal to Eco-Conscious Buyers

May 23, 2016

All home improvements add value to homes, but some improvements add more value than others. Energy-efficient updates can boost a home’s value significantly. Home buyers are always looking for homes that stand out from the rest, and green home improvements can make a home stand out for all the right reasons. Share these tips with your sellers to help them appeal to eco-conscious buyers.

Install Solar Panels

While solar panels have a high initial cost, they offer a return on investment. They are a great way to make a home appealing. Since natural resources are limited, it is important to look for alternative sources of energy. Solar panels decrease energy bills, increasing the value of a home significantly.

Home sellers who wish to buy solar panels but lack enough funds should consider buying used ones. They cost less and produce a good percentage of solar power.

Improve Insulation

Insulation is a functional and cost-effective way to make a home more energy-efficient. It can keep a home warmer in winter and cooler in summer, which can help homeowners to save up to 40% on heating and cooling bills. Insulation may also decrease condensation in a home.

Many real estate developers emphasize insulation when building homes. They know that good insulation lowers energy waste. Advise your home sellers to hire contractors to perform energy audits of their homes. Contactors can point out the inadequacies of homes and tell homeowners how much they can save by conducting some upgrades.

Update Features and Appliances

The kitchen and bathroom are rooms home buyers love and don’t mind splurging on. The two can determine how long a home stays on the market. Home sellers who truly want to impress green buyers must get rid of energy-guzzling and water-wasting appliances, and replace them with energy-efficient ones.

Many green appliances are great for the environment and also great for the wallet. They help homeowners to save tons of water and electricity. Home buyers love energy-efficient appliances and features because they know they will save a lot of money.

Replace Standard Light Bulbs with LEDs or CFL’s

Standard bulbs account for about 25% of a home’s energy budget. LED and CFL bulbs can make a home more eco-friendly. CFLs are smaller versions of fluorescent bulbs and fit into standard lamp sockets. The light they give off is similar to that of incandescent bulbs. The bulbs use 70% less energy than incandescent ones and last up to 10 times longer.

LEDs are small in size but very efficient. Some come with diffuser lenses and can be used for different purposes. While they are more expensive than CFLs, they add more value because they last longer.  Their price goes down each year as the manufacturing technology improves.

Use Low or Zero-VOC Paint

Home sellers thinking of painting their homes should use low or zero-VOC paints which are eco-friendly. They are inexpensive, devoid of toxins, and brighten rooms just as well as conventional paints. A VOC (volatile organic compound) is a dangerous compound that becomes toxic when exposed to oxygen. When a room is freshly painted, the smell is actually VOCs floating in the air. Home sellers should use low VOC paints to protect themselves, buyers, and the environment.

These days, home buyers are looking for energy-efficient homes. They want to decrease their carbon footprint because they know that the environment is damaged. There are many updates home sellers can carry out to make their homes energy-efficient. Tell your sellers to focus on the renovations that appeal to buyers and they’ll be sure to get good offers.

By Ronique Gibson

Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.