Summer Tips to Help Attract More Real Estate Clients

June 16, 2016

Summer might be one of the busiest real estate seasons, but it comes with its own challenges. Couples and singles looking for homes may not be willing to buy during summer as it is a time for vacation and relaxation. Families on the other hand may not have a lot of time to spare since kids are on vacation. If you’re looking to attract more clients and prospects this season, use these tips.

Get Active on Social Media

Twitter and Facebook are no longer popular with college students; they are used by people from all walks of life. Use them to market yourself, your business, and your properties. Create a Facebook and Twitter account with your business name and update your followers constantly on new listings and real estate information. You can share links to your blog posts which advise people on how to sell homes, look for properties, and other relevant information.

When adding listing information to your social media accounts, write catchy descriptions that grab attention. Write different descriptions for each property so you can attract different types of buyers. For example, when targeting families you can say that the property is located near local amenities like schools, playgrounds, and shopping malls. Offer to meet with buyers and sellers to discuss properties over lunch or coffee. When you connect with your followers and build a relationship, you’ll see a difference in your sales.

Hold Open Houses

Summer is a great time to show homes. Take advantage of the lovely weather to gain exposure with prospective clients. Open houses help you to attract new buyers and those who are still looking for homes. Notify buyers of your upcoming open houses through emails and social media updates. In addition, take pictures during the showings and post them on your iHOUSE website. You’ll grab buyers’ attention and inspire action.

There are many ways you can attract buyers to open houses. These include:

1)     Online and offline promotion techniques

2)     Setting 2 different showing times for each open house

3)     Providing refreshments and marketing materials that will help the attendees to remember who you are.

4)     Providing flyers outside the property during the open house.

Advise Sellers to Stage Their Homes for the Season

Spring and summer are undeniably the busiest seasons for real estate. Realtors compete to sell listings and attract more clients during this time. Advise your sellers to stage their homes for the season in order to appeal to more buyers. Tell them to flaunt the focal points in their exteriors and interiors to make buyers picture themselves living there. Some of the ways your sellers can stage their homes for summer include:

1)     Decorating their interiors with flowers

2)     Painting their exteriors

3)     Prepping the decks

4)     Adding light window treatments

5)     Trimming overgrown plants and trees

6)     Creating curb appeal

Change Your Listings’ Photos to Match the Season

As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. People are visual by nature and are captivated by images. It is therefore important to change your listings’ photos to reflect the season. Some buyers may be put off by photos of staged winter homes in summer. They want to see photos of warm, airy homes that are full of light. Adding new images regularly to your site also helps you to generate more traffic. Search engines will rank your website highly and frequently direct people to it.

A good marketing plan can help you to attract more buyers and sellers in summer. Find creative ways of marketing your business and you’ll be able to attract more potential clients. Your sales will go up and your profits will increase.

By Ronique Gibson

Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.