Release Notes – 2016.10.27

October 27, 2016


  • Custom Form Pages: Client Side Validation
    For required fields on custom form pages, validation (error-checking) used to only happen when you submitted the form. It now happens earlier: as you move from one field to the next the form lets you know right away if you missed a field.
  • Fix lightbox iframe mode for nav links
    Open in lightbox iframe mode for nav link linkouts was broken. In addition to fixing it, this mode has been altered to gracefully degrade to opening in a new window when there is a protocol mismatch, which most modern browsers would refuse to load anyway.
  • Escape HTML for Ckeditor text editors
    There are a variety of ways a ckeditor instance can be broken, many of which can be fixed by simply escaping any HTML within the text area. A number of different ckeditor instances throughout the application have been updated to do so.
  • More Link Wrapping
    For some websites, the “More” link wrapped to a second line. The script handling it was not taking margins into account. Production 10/18/2016.
  • Manual delete sample listings tool
    Pending and active accounts now have a link to manually delete sample listings.
  • Increase character limit on nav link name field
    Even though the nav link name field can support up to 60 characters and other edit interfaces allowed that many, the edit navigation screen limited it to 20 characters unnecessarily.
  • Agent list input type on custom form widgets
    In certain contexts, agent list type inputs on custom form widgets would cause a 500 error due to necessary data not being prepared properly.
  • Use larger photos in Zillow feed for Classic customers when available
    Our Zillow syndication scripts were using thumbnail sized images for iHouse Classic customer listings even when larger photos were available.
  • Saved Search Problem
    For another ticket, the storage of Counties for VA-MRIS was changed. This broke all saved searches for accounts that used this mls, and had searches by county. In addition, the search restrictions were also broken. Wrote a script to fix the saved searches, and manually fixed the search restrictions. Production 10/5
  • 500 error – saved searches by MLS No.
    Problem was in javascript code, it wan’t properly handling the paste event. Fixed. Production 10/11
  • FL-NFMLS closed listings showing as active
    This mls surprised us overnight and dumped sold data at us. Len didn’t catch it, so we wound up getting several hundred sold listings marked as active in our system, which caused some problems. Len fixed the feed, and I went through the FL-NFMLS listings in our Featured Listings table and updated the sold ones I found to be marked as Sold. Production 10/19
  • Metadata Edit FR
    Request to be able to edit Meta Description and Meta Title for Agent Profile pages. In addition, want to have the agent’s photo put into OpenGraph tags (og:image) in order for there to be a better chance for Facebook to pick it up when posting a link to an agent’s profile. The og:image is in production now (10/13), the Metadata will go out in the 10/27 release.
  • Listings Tab: Deleting sample listings
    on entry to the “Edit Listings” page, the question about sample listings now shows up even for Testdrives clicking Yes on the popup (“Do you want to delete sample listings?”) does the deletion via Ajax when an account is activated, the sample listings are automatically deleted. If an office account with child websites, the samples for the child sites are deleted as well. 10/27 release
  • SS/Quick Search auto fill
    Fixed quick search widget to get and use all information from the current search, if there is any, so that when you are on a search results page, a quick search widget on that page reflects the parameters (as best it can) for the search results page. 10/27 release
  • Billing Statement
    Request to clean up the billing statement, so that the payment for a given month appears after the charges for that month, instead of being interspersed. 10/27 release
  • 404 page not Found error after editing saved search pages
    A 404 page not found error was being generated when a user tried to change the name of the pretty url on the edit saved search page. This was fixed so that now the page redirects to the new pretty url. 10/27 release
  • Unable to change Pretty URL for main blog page
    The blog settings page did not have a way to edit the Pretty URL associated with the main blog page. This has been added. 10/27 release
  • New “Search by Area” custom content page and update the featurette widget
    Create a new custom page with the title: “Search by Area”. And also Update the featurette widget (photos & text) in default content.

By Stephen Gruenholz

Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.