Release Notes – 2019.04.18

April 18, 2019


  • New Features for New IDX
    • Virtual Tours now show as the second tile in the listing photo mosaic
      YouTube, Vimeo, and Matterport are directly embedded via iframe. All others are shown as an attractive link out tile/button.
    • Show agent name, phone, and email with photo on listing card
      Clicking on the agent photo thumbnail (on a listing card) will flip the card to reveal the agent’s name, title, email, and phone (from their agent profile). Additionally the photo will link to their profile page / website.
    • Better quality sample photos for test drives.
  • New IDX Available to Existing Customers
    With this release, the path is officially open for existing customers to move to the new IDX, though they will still need to go through Support to do so. (And there are some major caveats)

    • All migrations to NEW IDX need to go through Support using a standardized process to make sure our customers get the best possible end-product and experience.
    • EXPRESS accounts cannot have new IDX unless they upgrade to PRO, or unless none of their listings originated from MLS data (this is very rare).
      Remember that when upgrading you must obtain MLS approval first before switching to the NEW IDX or their featured listings will show as SAMPLE data.
    • OFFICE accounts and CHILD WEBSITES cannot have new IDX unless you migrate ALL the office websites at once. You MUST NOT migrate only a few child websites, or just the main office site. This will create a mixed IDX system for the office account and break saved searches within TurboLeads.
    • Custom fields and Areas are handled with “backwards compatibility” filters which allow legacy saved searches to work, showing the same results as before. However, we still have several weeks worth of work on Keywords and Neighborhood data before these things become searchable as part of the main IDX Search interface.
    • Accommodate links in nav headers
      When a dropdown header is supposed to be a clickable link, the caret now opens the dropdown while the text portion works as a link. Generally, links in nav headers should be avoided, but many old accounts already have clickable links in headers, so this covers us for future migrations

Bug Fixes

  • Adding more than 6 subdivisions
    The limit for the allowed number of ‘nearby locations’ has been raised from 5 to 10.
  • TurboLeads CSV Importer shows inaccurate email for ‘Assign to’
    TurbolLeads CSV Importer shows correct Assign to address
  • Merge leads duplicated by CSV importer
    Imported leads should no longer be added more than once if there is a duplicate within the CSV file.
  • Open house page duplication
    The open houses page uses the Listing Tile for the results page for it’s display, so if there are multiple open houses for a listing, only the “next” one got shown. In the Open Houses page, we want to see all of them, so I have adjusted this to override and show the matching Open House information in each tile. Only affects the Open Houses page.
  • Unregistered Lead bypassing Registration Requirements
    Fixed issue with TurboLeads not always reporting submitted form data correctly.
  • Saving agent profile erases ‘Groups’ + ‘Listings’ tags
    Updated the AgentEdit function to only change the groups and listings when the parent is editing.
  • Errors when clicking Map Markers to soon
    If a map marker was clicked too soon after the initial page load, the application would crash. This has been fixed.
  • SS grid widget for sold listings showing unnecessary text
    Removed debugging output from Saved Search Grid widgets.
  • Sample data: photos
    New higher-resolution sample images have been chosen and uploaded to the library-gs cloud storage bucket, and are now being referenced by react idx. Legacy Elite and IDXPro continue to use the old images.
  • Firefox graphics issue in type dropdown
    Checkboxes were not aligning properly in Firefox. This has been fixed.
  • MailChimp campaign emails have extra spacing
    The mailchimp processing was inserting extra
    tags just before sending messages. This has been fixed. Sending emails directly with the envelope icon in “Contacts” did not have this problem.
  • Featured listings widget: sold date “invalid”
    Sold badges will no longer show ‘Invalid Date’
  • Community Name Field Not Working
    MLS custom search filters should now properly load from saved searches.
  • CK Editor – Stop Adding Styles to Images
    Disabled auto populating of image dimensions in CKEditor.
  • Virtual tours not showing on idxv5
    Virtual tour links will now appear as the second slot in the listing details photo mosaic – either as an embedded iframe (youtube, vimeo, matterport), or as an attractive virtual tour link out button. There will also be a secondary virtual tour button in the side column.
  • Sqft getting cut off on idxv5 (featured listing version only)
    Fixed handling of sqft values in the database that are formatted with commas.
  • Blog Posts: Duplicate, submitted URL not selected as canonical
    Use correct canonical address if SSL is enabled.
  • OG title on manual listing not updating
    Fixed an issue with the calculation of the baths summary field for manual listings.
  • Search Tool – Broken Search
    Searches with apostrophes in them were breaking the loading of new react IDX search tools in various locations. Proper encoding has been added to fix this.
  • Lead import fails with no errors
    Lead Importer will properly ignore fields with whitespace.
  • Time On Site filter doesn’t work
    The time on site filter will now properly save and load on react IDX enabled sites.
  • Agent Card should show Agent Profile info, not Package Info
    On Agent websites, the agent profile: (photo, name, title, phone, and email) of the owner of the site will be displayed on all listing detail pages. For Office websites the agent profile of the listing agent (if the profile is set up and properly linked) will appear on the listing details pages that they listed. The other listing pages will show nothing for now. There is additional work pending to provide a generic logo/office branding option for these. We rolled back the old version of this because it was showing the “account” phone and email (not meant for display)
  • Custom Tables are not Mobile friendly
    The code that makes HTML tables mobile friendly has been added to the new React templates
  • Social share icons missing on blog posts
    Added styling for social share buttons in react for blog posts
  • Zip code search bug
    Fixed client-side caching for zips and neighborhoods.
  • IDXv5 IRMLS Compliance – show listing agent in results
    There is a new MLS compliance flag to show the listing agent on listing cards.
  • Manual listing showing duplicate open houses
    Fixed by fix for ENG-8809 (Freshdesk 475008). I pushed to production rather than waiting for the release.
  • Commercial search page not rendering correctly
    Updated the commercial search page to work properly on react IDX templates.
  • Listing not coming up by address select
    When searching for an exact match street address, react IDX will now override status filters to show the listing even when outside the current status set.
  • Listing not loading from HouseTrack link
    React based IDX details pages will load properly even when the URL lacks an address segment, as they do in HouseTrack links.

By Stephen Gruenholz

Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.