Release Notes – 2022.04.28

April 28, 2022


  • New Google Ads API
    Migrated from the Google AdWords API to the Google Ads API, keeping all the same functionality.
  • New flag for MLS accounts
    Added flag to the model and the database
  • New lease option keyword
    Added "lease option" keyword search term to NV-GLVAR and NV-ELKO.
  • Flex: scroll reveal animations a11y
    When the accessibility setting is set to stop animations, scroll reveal effects are disabled.

Bug fixes

  • MI-REALCOMP reporting inconsistently
    Investigated missing MLS report.
  • HouseTrack expiration date is set to same day
    Fixed an issue where housetrack expiration dates would not be properly displayed until after a full reload of the react application.
  • Turn off sample data for Express
    Cleaned up MLS related items from new "express" account.
  • Brokers Advantage promo not removed on office cancel
    Fixed case where cancelling office account would not remove broker advantage
  • 500 error on admin menu
    Corrected a bad data state on a broken account.
  • Control Panel Error
    Fixed PHP Upgrade compatibility issue managing beta flags.
  • PHP Upgrade error logged in
    Fixed PHP Upgrade compatibility issue when drawing legacy banners.
  • PHP Upgrade in WebUser register
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue in enduser registration on legacy accounts.
  • PHP Upgrade in edit_bar
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue when generating the edit bar.
  • 500 error on editing
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue when editing certain page types.
  • PHP Upgrade edit_bar undefined access error
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue in the edit bar when viewing some types of pages.
  • PHP Upgrade from edit domain
    Fixed PHP Upgrade compatibility issues in advanced domain editing admin menu screens.
  • PHP Upgrade ReactWebsite array access issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue when a special custom form type is missing.
  • PHP Upgrade AgentSite array access issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue in error management for the agent site record.
  • PHP Upgrade widget edit array access issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue when attempting to edit a non existent widget.
  • PHP Upgrade MLSData array access issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue when editing certain manual listings.
  • PHP Upgrade countable error changing templates
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue when switching legacy templates without custom banners.
  • PHP Upgrade ReactIdx undefined access issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue loading incomplete search params.
  • PHP Upgrade domainsandemails countable error
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue activating accounts when buying a first domain.
  • PHP Upgrade has_customer_service_access called when csr undefined
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue checking CSR status in the control panel.
  • PHP Upgrade navgroupwidget countable error
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue editing empty nav group widgets.
  • PHP Upgrade sitemap array access issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue generating sitemaps for certain data sets.
  • PHP Upgrade EditWebsite undefined index for listing_data
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue editing manual listings.
  • Unable to Import leads
    Corrected a server deployment issue for turboleads.
  • PHP Upgrade ControlImportLeads array offset issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue in the control panel lead import tool.
  • 500 error adding email charges
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility error in when editing changes in the control panel.
  • PHP Upgrade admin menu smarty non object access
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue in the admin menu with certain agent profile data states.
  • PHP Upgrade widget editing array access error
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue when editing nav menu widgets.
  • PHP Upgrade AccountController array access error
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue when editing account details in the admin menu.
  • PHP Upgrade form_input smarty template array access error
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility error adding custom form pages
  • PHP Upgrade WebAdmin non object access
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility error in an edge case for agent login
  • PHP Upgrade region_set_array smarty array access error
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue on sites configured with empty content areas.
  • PHP Upgrade WebUserWrapper countable error
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue when enduser login times out.
  • PHP Upgrade testimonials smarty array access error
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue in a rare edge case when editing widgets
  • PHP Upgrade array access issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility error when widget content is in an inconsistent state.
  • PHP Upgrade Widget model array access issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility error when prepping content for widgets with broken data.
  • PHP Upgrade simple_register_form array access issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue with simple register forms drawing in rare edge cases.
  • PHP Upgrade ReactIdx array offset issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility error when loading malformed saved search pages.
  • PHP Upgrade AjaxSearch array access issue
    Fixed a PHP Upgrade compatibility issue with search filter construction with non compliant MLS data.
  • Reactivation error message throw from twilio service
    PHP Upgrade compatibility fix

By Stephen Gruenholz

Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.