Release Notes – 2023.02.16

February 16, 2023


  • Flex content updates
    More additions and fixes to the flex content system this cycle, including updates to the page masthead block and a very cool new media query block that will allow control over what content is displayed at various viewport breakpoints. 
  • Bug fixes for testdrive and queue management changes
    Our recent large infrastructure projects to rewrite the testridve process and update queue management to support it have had a number of tweaks and bug fixes to address unexpected concerns and improve their reliability. These fixes will also prove invaluable in the already underway effort to do a similar rewrite to direct signup and activation. 
  • Keywords updates
    The maintenance of the keyword search system is always an ongoing process, keeping up with data provider updates and responding to one off request for new keyword mappings or updates to existing ones. While we try to be judicious about requests for new keywords to keep the system clear and concise, this release cycle there were a few notable tickets where we added several collections of new region specific keywords to help our customers build searches that are relevant to the customers they serve in the places they live, such as a number of new keywords defining and describing basements for folks in the midwest.
  • Ongoing efforts to respond to Twilio policy changes
    More work has been done this cycle updating Turboleads to operate as well as possible in response to changes to policies at Twilio, our SMS and phone service provider. This work is likely to continue, and once we’re reached a place of more stability we’ll let folks know in greater detail about how these changes will affect our workflows and the services we offer our customers. 


  • Default Folders Inside File Manager
    Added new folders to the package templates, new accounts will be created with these folders under the file manager.
  • Google Font request
    Added Nunito Font to list
  • IL-MLSNI Basement type and Basement Description
    Added various basement related keyword search terms to IL-MLSNI.
  • Update interest rate
    Updated list of data sources used when updating mortgage rate averages. 
  • IN-MIBOR - Lake Front keyword possibly broken
    Fixed various keyword mappings for IN-MIBOR, including "lake front."
  • Show / Hide Blocks by Breakpoint
    A new “Media Query” layout block has been added, which makes it easier to style things differently on Mobile vs Tablet vs Desktop. Using this new block type, you can show a completely different set of content at different screen-size breakpoints.
  • City Capitalization Problem
    Testdrive city will no longer be all caps
  • Sync Queue Transaction Lock
    Fixed issue with sync_queue table getting locked up
  • TX-TAR waterfront keyword not working
    Fixed the mapping for the "lake front" keyword search term on TX-TAR. 

Bug fixes

  • Billing delay flag
    Fixed case where delayed billing was not respected.
  • Email to agent users has wrong URL
    Welcome emails to new office agent users will now use the office's custom domain where available, instead of generic ihouseweb subdomain. 

By Kevin Ashley

Kevin is a Web Developer and Marketing Expert for iHOUSEweb. He has a degree in Mathematics from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and he specializes in front end web development, web advertising, and web analytics. Kevin works closely with real estate agents all over the US, and he helps to communicate their needs to the team of Software Engineers at iHOUSEweb.