Release Notes – 2015.01.28

 January 28, 2015

New Features

  • Marketing Email Opt-In Settings
    There is now a checkbox for “Yes it’s OK to send me emails” on the enduser registration form. This is a necessary step towards legitimizing our email sending on behalf of our agents. It’s also a prerequisite for the pending MailChimp integration. Registered endusers can manage their email settings by logging in and then clicking on their name. The email settings options can be found below the place where they edit their name and contact information.
    NOTE: This does NOT affect any HouseTrack emails which have their own separate opt-in system.

  • Share your Website Tool
    Added new feature for clients to easily share their website with their social media friends. 


  • Updated Elite signup process
    Added better error handling for when you are transferring a domain

Bug Fixes

  • LeadTracker status management presentation fixed
    Editing statuses for LeadTracker had a minor presentation bug. This has been fixed.

  • Typo in Listing Edit interface fixed
    There was a typo in a confirmation message in the listing edit interface.  It has been fixed.

  • Increased security for blog comment moderation
    An authenticated check was added to an AJAX based comment delete to hopefully stymie DOM manipulation exploits.

  • Fixed IE9 LeadTracker tags issue
    The z-indexing of the “add tags” autocomplete menu on the edit client page in LeadTracker was messed up in IE9.  This has been fixed.

  • Added title tags to popup custom forms
    Popup custom forms had no title tags. This has been fixed.

  • Improved map bounding for listing pages
    The map bounding code for both listing search and featured listings pages would sometimes fail to display markers at the upper and lower bounds.  Extra padding was added to the bounding function, which should help reduce the occurrence of this problem.

  • Added target attributes to mailto links
    Chromeboxes with gmail as their mail client lose site context when the user clicks a mailto link that doesn’t have a target attribute. As such, all mailto links in the application should now have a target attribute.

  • Added “Share Your Site” panel to Admin Menu
    The admin menu homepage now has a panel with share links for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

  • Display of lotsize
    We now to trim all trailing 0’s from lotsize values to avoid confusion. If then nothing is left to the right of the decimal, then the decimal will be removed as well:
    10.0000 => 10
    3.3400  => 3.34
    .2344 => .2344

Robert Warner

By Robert Warner

Robert Warner started with iHOUSEWeb back in 2009 in the Customer Service Department helping over 10,000 clients with all of their Real Estate Website questions. After launching the YouTube training videos for iHOUSEWeb he moved up to the marketing department where he helps design and write marketing materials as well as managing the Social Media side of iHOUSEWeb.