How to Help Your Sellers Downsize From Their Large Home

 July 29, 2015

Homeowners downsize for different reasons. Some are left alone after their kids move out, others are affected by the economy and can no longer afford to maintain expansive homes, while others relocate to large cities where homes are smaller. No matter the reason, home sellers must downsize properly so they can shift easily when the time comes. There are many things to consider when it comes to downsizing, but some are more important than others. Share these tips with your sellers to help them downsize correctly.

Plan Ahead

Homeowners should start downsizing their possessions the minute they decide to sell their homes. They should make a list of all the items they can’t live without. If they are unsure about an item, they should think of how often they use it before deciding whether it goes or stays. This rule applies to every item in the home – from the clothes to the kitchenware. Homeowners might have to get rid of many large items if space will be an issue in their next homes. Alternatively, they can chuck out many small items. Advise sellers to focus on removing items with no sentimental value first. They should set aside some time each day to edit their belongings.

Reduce the Belongings

People love to collect things, especially if they live in one place for a long period of time. Home sellers moving to smaller houses should keep in mind that they won’t have a lot of storage in their new homes. Downsizing the belongings can make moving easier. A good way to declutter and make money is by selling unused possessions. There are many ways to go about this, but the quickest is by posting the items on classified advertisements websites. Home sellers who do not wish to use the internet can post ads in their local newspapers.

Advise your clients to advertise the items early because selling everything quickly might be hard. Those who are unable to sell everything can donate the remaining items to charity or put them in self-storage. Deciding which possessions to sell and which ones to keep can be difficult, particularly for people who like to cling to things. Tell homeowners that getting rid of some items is a must if they want to enjoy their new homes. They should avoid throwing items in garbage bins but embrace the 3 Rs: reduce, reuse, and recycle. They should be responsible for the environment and find a home for everything.

Think About the New Home

If home sellers downsize their belongings without thinking about their new homes, they might dispose of too little or too much furniture. The best way to determine what to keep is by comparing the room sizes in both homes. Homeowners can also use floor plans to prearrange furniture before the move. Those without floor plans can have them drawn and sketch a furniture layout. They may discover that the living rooms in their new homes are the same size as their current guest rooms. This scrutiny can help them to know how many pieces of furniture to place in a room. As a result, they won’t have to contend with furniture after they move.

In the olden days, downsizing was mostly associated with retirees and empty-nesters who looked for smaller homes after their kids moved out. These days, it has become very popular with money-smart homeowners. Large homes can consume both time and money and moving into a smaller home makes a lot of financial sense. Tell your clients to use these tips to downsize before moving to smaller homes. They’ll have a lot to thank you for.


Ronique Gibson

By Ronique Gibson

Ronique Gibson is an Associate Architect and a LEED Accredited Professional, who has been in the design industry for over 13 years. She started her design blog in 2009 and today it has become a premier destination for helping homeowners with everyday lifestyle challenges. Her readers check in daily for help with their homes, DIY project ideas, recipes, crafts, and inspiration to beautify and enjoy their homes.