As a real estate agent you have a huge opportunity to grow your business by leveraging mobile technology.
The fact is people are glued to their smart phones like magnets and are conducting more important business than ever using them.
This “habit” that admittedly doesn’t always reflect so well on our society presents still a huge opportunity for you, here’s four ways to leverage mobile for your real estate business:
#1 – Responsive Website Design
The easiest way to grow your business through mobile is to use a modern responsive design on your website.
The driving factor for why this works is the way that consumers browse online today.
They don’t have the time or patience to fiddle around with websites that aren’t visually optimized for mobile.
If your site requires a visitor to zoom in to see the content you’re missing out big time on a growing opportunity to engage with your prospects.
#2 – Mobile Payments
Just as Black Friday has been surpassed by Cyber Monday mobile is “not so quietly” taking over too.
Nowhere is this more evident than the world of mobile payments.
Several payment companies are lining up to convince consumers to use their service with PayPal leading the pack.
The technology speaks for itself.
Imagine searching for a nice rental on your smart phone, calling and speaking to the representative, signing the lease docs online and making your payment instantly without even having to get out of the car.
#3 – Yelp!
Yes you need to list your real estate business on Yelp.
This review driven website has been proven time and time again as a reliable driver of traffic to your website which leads to prospects and revenue for your business.
#5 – Text marketing
The people who say that direct marketing is dead don’t understand that it only changed just like the newspaper and the library.
it’s no longer physical which required effort on your part to consume, for example you have to go fetch the newspaper or get off your hind parts and actually walk into the library.
Today’s consumers get everything they want delivered to them in their hand digitally when they want it real time and your marketing has to be the same.
An easy way to get started with text marketing is to make offers to the public to receive ” more information” when they send a text to a number you provide them with, for example text 121212 to get more info on this house.
This strategy works especially well when you have another listing in the area, you can also offer to “get more updates on listings like this”.
This will help you deal with real prospects who are actually looking to buy a house not waste your time.
Darnell Jackson has completed over 75 real estate transactions in his career he also founded and several other internet properties. He believes we come from absolute greatness and accomplishing the extraordinary is the least that we should expect from ourselves. Follow Darnell @FreedomMMC on Twitter, SoundCloud, and YouTube.