Release Notes – 2015.12.17

Release Notes – 2015.12.17

 December 17, 2015

Bug Fixes

  • Missing saved searches response headers
    Older saved searches using a deprecated format were throwing 500 errors. This has been changed to use the more appropriate 404 (content unavailable) error.

  • Fix pagination range edge case
    In cases with pagination eclipses on either side of pagination controls, the next range ellipsis was calculated incorrectly.

  • Add sitemap entries for featured listings
    The sitemap.xml file now contains entries for the 200 most recently modified featured listings.

  • Re-enable ckeditor for signature field on housetrack auto-response emails
    Recent restructuring of markup in the admin menu accidentally disabled ckeditor for the signature field on the housetrack auto-response editor.

  • Properly honor “hide open houses” option in all contexts
    The “hide open houses” option was not properly preventing open house display on featured listing pages.

  • Fix EULA file MN-RMLS
    Our system was not properly serving the EULA file for MN-RMLS.

  • Fix “find similar” tool
    Stricter listing validation inadvertently broke the find similar search tool.

  • Fix creating slideshow embed widgets
    Recent changes broke the ability to add a slideshow embed widget.

Stephen Gruenholz

By Stephen Gruenholz

Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.