is no longer relevant and we’ve discontinued sending our syndication feed to them.
Better Encryption for 3rd Party Credentials
Our Elite Service team often aids customers in using a domain name registered through a third party, like To do so, we collect customer login information for that third party account. We’ve proactively tightened security protocols to help protect this information. We are now using a higher level of encryption when storing it in our database and the data is restricted to admin level users.
Commercial Search Issues
Price per square foot values were being mistakenly rounded to the nearest dollar. Also cleaned up the search fields so that when “for sale” is selected, the “lease” box does not show.
Omnibox Search Tweaks
The omnibox search has been updated to correctly identify city state values separated by either a space or a comma. e.g. “Clayton MO” or “Clayton, MO”.
Test Drive Extensions expiring too soon
In some cases, test drive extensions were expiring prematurely.
Shared facebook link for inactive listing still opens listing
Fixed. Any enduser will see 404 if a featured listing is inactive or hidden. Meta Data Error
Removed incorrect parameters from ‘og:title’ meta tag.
Setting map type is not saving
The default map view type setting was broken.
Update list of display status suggestions
For manually entering and editing listings, we added the ‘Under Contract’ display status as one of the default values you can select.
Blog: Number of Posts Counts
When displaying blog post results for a tag, the count of matching posts was wrong.
Mapping Listings with no street address
On listing detail pages there is a button linking out to a Google Map. If there is no street address (and if the address has not been intentionally suppressed), and if there are lat/lng coordinates, they will be now be used as the search query part of the link instead of the address.
New testimonials appear as the last ones
Changed the edit testimonials page so that newly testimonials will appear as the first ones in the list.
Manual map markers moving
Manually positioned map markers for listings were appearing at slightly wrong coordinates.
Social share buttons on any listing page
Previously social share buttons only appeared for “featured” listings. They now appear on MLS search listing detail pages as well.
Gallery widgets: Use the new file manager
The edit gallery widget page was still using an older method of choosing images. It has been updated to use the new file manager.
Bulk Action: Start Campaign
In some cases the bulk action version of starting a drip email campaign was broken.
Rss feed pages
All RSS feed pages were only showing 1 article.
Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.