Default Content: Testimonials Page
When creating a new test drive website, the page title used to read “Testimonials Page”. It has been changed to “Testimonials”. A similar fix was also made for the default Open Houses page title. This only affects new test drive websites going forward.
Featured Listings: No Results Text
Updated the text that is displayed when no listings are found.
New Recaptcha breaks layout for small columns
The new Recaptcha form has a hard-coded width of 304px which causes it to break layout when placed in a column or area with a width less than that. Additional css code is now in place to prevent the captcha from breaking out of its column. It is now cropped as needed to fit. This sometimes leads to the exclusion of the recaptcha logo, which is an acceptable degradation.
Multi-Autocomplete Tuning
The edit saved search page was changed last release to use multi-autocomplete inputs for many of the search fields. More cleanup was done:
Marketing Website: Template Gallery Filters
The filters for sorting templates by color, company, etc. broke as a result of upgrading/standardizing framework level javascript code. Fixed.
Show listings with photos first
The setting “show listings with photos first” was not being used consistently. It is now. Released to production 5/12
Error on IDX searches
There was an error in database code generation that affected accounts with Listing Status restrictions set. Released to production 5/12.
Edit Saved Search Page: Old Formats
Older saved Quick Searches often had a number appended to the city/county/zip/subdivision from the old autocomplete form. e.g.
Davis (317). Modified the page to clear off the extra count information. Released to production 5/13.
Edit Saved Search Page: Multiple MLS#’s
Added capability to create a Saved Search with multiple MLS Numbers. Released to production 5/18
Saved search type widgets
Saved Search type widgets (including carousel, grid and slideshow formats) are now connected to Saved Search Pages, not Agent Saved Searches. Released to production 5/18
HouseTrack email preview
The preview button on the edit HouseTrack email page was broken. Fixed. Released to production 5/18
Multi-autocomplete for custom fields
Not all custom fields were properly using the multi-autocomplete field. Fixed. Released to production 5/18.
Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.