Release Notes – 2021.12.16

Release Notes – 2021.12.16

 December 16, 2021


  • MLS Compliance
    This release includes 2 different compliance items for CA-MRMLS (California Regional MLS). Versions of these have also been passed at NAR, so I expect to see these trickle down through other MLSs soon.
    • More clarity (via formatting and presentation) for how to contact the actual listing agent/broker vs the advertising agent (our customer). As more MLSs start to give us direction on how to implement this, rather than proliferating many new compliance flags and versions of how to format the content, we'll be seeking to come up with a single global solution that satisfies most of them.
    • The ability to display the "offer of compensation" - meaning how much the listing broker is offering to the buyers agent. Per the new NAR rules, for websites with IDX feeds, this is up to the individual website owner to decide, so we've created it as a new, per account idx setting. BUT, that setting is only available after the MLSs on that account provide us the data in their feed and then we map it. So for now, we're handling this requests on demand as customers ask for it in Support.
  • Performance
    We've trimmed out around 500kb of javascript from our react code for this release. Lighter = faster.


  • MI-SWMRIC keyword updates
    Rebuilt keyword search lookup tables for MI-SWMRIC after a data provider change deprecated previous mappings.
  • NC-CMLS bedrooms on main field
    Added bedrooms on main floor keyword search term to NC-CMLS.
  • CO-PPAOR Add Keyword filters
    Added various park related keyword search terms to CO-PPAOR.
  • GA-NEGBOR view keywords
    Added and improved various keyword search terms for GA-NEGBOR.
  • CA-MRMLS Listing Broker Contact Compliance
  • MI-SWMRIC Keywords
  • MLS compliance: Display offer of compensation
  • Ensure that the ListingUpdateProcess doesn't double-process listings
    This compares the modified date on Feed records to the date than an account last had a full listing update
  • Nav Menu Widget 500 error
    Fixed an error editing the name of navigation widgets.
  • CA-MRMLS - Important clarification on updated CRMLS IDX listing credit rule
    Added compliance flag for MLSes that require listing contact agent buttons to specify they are contacting a buyer agent.
  • Webpack / reactstrap “tree shaking”
    Revised our transpilation process to eliminate redundancy, thus decreasing the size of our JS bundles.
  • STG: IDX quick search form breaks layout in small columns

Bug fixes

  • Broken Image Flickering Bug
    Flickering effect for broken images has been fixed.
  • 500 Error on ads admin
    Added more error handling tp catch and present the errors cleanly.
  • TurboLeads map not loading
    Fixed an issue creating saved searches for contacts in TurboLeads on accounts without a proper default map search location saved.
  • No nav menu
    Fixed an issue with a recent optimization that broke navigation on legacy templates.
  • No Market Report on Featured Area page
    Fixed an issue with market report widgets on featured location pages for county searches.
  • Blog results grid displaying tiles vertically
    The grid orientation issue has been fixed.

Stephen Gruenholz

By Stephen Gruenholz

Stephen serves as both Graphics Manager and Product Manager at iHOUSEweb. He graduated from Cal Poly with a BS in Applied Art & Design and has been working as a Web Designer and Developer since 1998. He relentlessly pushes himself and the rest of the team to learn, grow, and innovate.