Leveraging Local Knowledge to Sell Homes

May 1, 2008

In this issue, we will tell you where the buyers are going online and what to do once you know where they are.

Using the Best Bait. Learn What Hooks a Buyer Online

“Location, Location, Location” is the unofficial slogan of the real estate industry. This is as much true online as it is in real life when it comes to real estate. The current NAR® statistic states that 80–85% of homebuyers begin their real estate search online.

A buyer today is as diverse as the inventory of homes available. One can’t possibly predict every single possible outlet a buyer might choose to search. Agents will find the most effective combination of exposure to be: having your listings on your website, allowing buyers to search your MLS area through an IDX service, and listing submission services. A listing submission service like ListingLaunch™ automatically submits your listings to the most widely used searching sites. By taking the guesswork out of exposing your listing to the largest number of potential buyers, agents are able to focus on marketing.

Whether a buyer is searching Zillow, Trulia, Craigslist, or through a REALTOR’S® IDXPro® service, location is one of the most important factors for buyers wanting to move across country or across town. Homebuyers turn to… More

There’s Always Something New at iHOUSE Web Solutions

iHOUSE® Websites now has a blog! Our blog is intended as a place where we can share news and tips, as well as point you to useful or just plain interesting places online related to marketing real estate on the Internet. Come join in the discussion!

IDXPro® 3.0 Upgrade Almost Here!
The IDXPro 3.0 update is coming soon. If you already use our IDXPro product the upgrade will add tons of new features such as new Map Search and LeadTracker™ at no additional charge. Haven’t got IDXPro yet? Now is a great time to test drive. IDX Start up fees will be waived for iHOUSE Customers through the end of May. Take a Test Drive now!

New iHOUSE Website Training Videos!
In an effort to make it even easier to learn how to use your website we have created 4 training videos that describe some of the basic tasks involved in editing an iHOUSE Website. If you like the videos and think they are helpful, please tell us so that we will continue to make more.

Customer Close-Up: Dennis King of Cincinnati, OH

Dennis King

This month’s Customer Close Up features Dennis King and his website www.dennisking.com.

The Cincinnati real estate industry was not something Dennis King saw himself entering into back in the early 1980’s, while working as a meat cutter. After college, King began exploring various options for a career path utilizing his education in business and marketing. Job opportunities came from the likes of Proctor and Gamble and Campbell’s Soup Company, but nothing felt quite right, so he decided to stay with his current job and enjoy the benefits of seniority for the time being.

iHOUSE® Tips & Tricks: Linking by Button Name

Did you know that you can create a link directly to any button on your site by surrounding the button name in square brackets? To add a link to your Search for Homes page in any text field, simply include a line that says [Search for Homes].

iHOUSE Blueprint Monthly Poll

Last month’s survey question was “How many websites, not counting Mirror websites and redirects, do you currently have?” Only 6% of respondents had no website at all, whereas 65% had more than 1. A relatively large 18% of respondents had more than 3 websites.

This month’s survey question is ”Do you show your buyer clients an online home search tool when you become their agent?”

(Poll is now closed.)

Did you miss an issue? Check out our past issues here.

By Robert Warner

Robert Warner started with iHOUSEWeb back in 2009 in the Customer Service Department helping over 10,000 clients with all of their Real Estate Website questions. After launching the YouTube training videos for iHOUSEWeb he moved up to the marketing department where he helps design and write marketing materials as well as managing the Social Media side of iHOUSEWeb.